Saturday, November 10, 2018

short story slam week 102

Image result for kunming rock woods  

 Kunming Rock wood, called :Shilin"...which represents an attraction
in Yunnan province,

michael pence, 
he sails far, reaching south pole
David poole
he speaks of Cauchy, Hilbert, Picard, Routhe, and Schwards

karen pence
he looks at Ivanka trump
he looks at zedong mao, xi jingping, billy collins, and john powell,
he has some thoughts different from Rob Long and often agrees with Barack Obama

Friday, November 9, 2018

poets rally week 87, poetry and story inn fridays week 32

poetry rally week 87 for Thanksgiving holidays....2018...  

Image result for hyde park poetry  

Image result for hyde park poetry  

short story slam week 32, november 1 ---november 18, 2018 

 Image result for sun yat-sen university 

Day dreaming Robbin
 red and green in between
sad emotion
confused  impression

charming poets
irresistible  friends
why not choose to laugh?
because poetry rally rocks....

we do smile, in dark night
feeling the urge to write