Tuesday, December 14, 2021

poetry picnic week 71, merry christmas and happy new year



 Photo of Christmas scene. Sexy Santa. - ID:90574414 - Royalty Free Image -  Stocklib  


Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share

Image result for happy birthday gifts  

Image result for phonics reading 

words form thoughts

thoughts trig performance

performance unfolds  wisdom


phonics, whoe language,  memory,

they are jigsaw puzzles pieces,

who knows how a language sparks a child's brain to enable growth..




education, academic awards,  flowers,

they are existence for good mind

we do try to catch a firefly, yet we allow ourselves sit, still, with thoughts 


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

hyde park poetry week 108



 自然背景的白色菊花花库存图片. 图片包括有墙纸, 开花, 开花的, 绽放, 工厂, 植物群, 本质- 113407917 

菊花. ju hua


ju flower

LILY- ORIENTAL 2 BLOOMS WHITE - Wholesale Bulk Flowers - Cascade Floral 

jinzhen hua,   lily flower

Know Why Lily Flowers are So Special | Speciality of Lily Flowers FlowerAura


Wednesday, July 28, 2021