Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cote D'lvoire = Cody+ Cole+Tech Support+Dallas+Dell+Irene+Marie Michalik+Kirby Burch


Côte d'Ivoire (also known as the Ivory Coast),
in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea,
is a little larger than New Mexico.
Its neighbors are Liberia, Guinea, Mali,
Burkina Faso, and Ghana. The country
consists of a coastal strip in the south,
dense forests in the interior,
and savannas in the north boarder.

 Image Credit: on Cote D'lvoire...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tonya Jones: An Italian Mockingbird That Sings Encouraging Friendship Songs

Tonya Jones must be Italian,
she made instant connection to Jingle
at advanced children's literature class,
Jingle loved Tonya's enthusiasm for
being a friendly interpreter,
later Tonya shared at least two more
classes at college of education, while
working at Student Union.
She offered helping when they met
at Stillwater Public Library five years later.

Image Credit:, on Tonya Jones, friendship, classmates between Italian girl and Asian girl...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jian Tan: A Good Friend at Beijing (Chemical Technology University)

From Hunan Province, shared the same bed
at High School with Jingle for an entire year,
Jian Tan made it to Beijing Chemical Technology
University, Jian and Ji stayed connected in college,
Ji stopped responding to Jian after
she became pregnant in 1992...Jian Tan
is a good friend, Ji visited her campus many times.

Image Credit:, on Beijing Chemical Technology University....