Friday, January 8, 2016

short stroty slam week 36, abc wednesday, signs of culture

short story slam week 36, Dec. 31, 2015 --Jan 17, 2016

wet paint,
no rule breaking

danger in the woods
keep out no entre

wichita falls
wild pond tufts loneliness

delicate skin
visual pleasure gladly

wrist and handback
tadpoles and lily pads

munching ripple
frenzy twilight

grazing zappos
eager zappotopia

guzzle shadow
no sign of truce

zipper up musical notes with your key board

 Image result for signs of culture
 Image result for signs of culture

 Image result for birch trees
Forests [Friday My Town Shoot Out Link-Up] 

eager, frenzy, guzzle, 
 Image result for zappos
  Image result for zappos



  1. I don't know what the word Zappos stands for ... But a valid choice since it starts with z

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  2. Made me feel like I was walking barefoot through a bubbling brook. Thanks for making me feel young, if even for a few minutes. Have a blessed January.
