Tuesday, March 23, 2021

short story slam week 177




school begins in january, 

school ends on may 7th,

the finals happen  during   May 3 --may 7, 2021,

on Friday, may 7th, there is a graduation commencement for graduate students

on may 8th, the big party will celebrate for undergraduate commencement  

final grades due by noon on may 12, 2021,

where is your credits?

they are produced in your brain through computer devices

the memory is there

the school's door can be joyfully open

the learning time is priceless

we do remind people of schooling as life's growth

the golden opportunity is for all human to improve their logic

let class begin, close, and function at some proper place for good

learning is life's purpose


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  1. keep it up, read poems.

  2. http://www.dolabuy.ru/ch%C4%81nei-c-209_211/top-2020-ankle-boots-009-p-2427.html>t5w03o5o86 r7r41f7c77 c9u59x4a95 d1s35e6n63 u7x97t5u59 c5q77r5f22
